Runtime API Documentation?

Mushrooms Labs Q&ACategory: Curved Poly MakerRuntime API Documentation?
David asked 3 years ago

Site information seems a little dated; is there a rough estimate to the release of the runtime API documentation? I’m most interested in manipulating vertices and handles at runtime to create some very interesting object interactions. 

1 Answers
Alessandro MartinelliAlessandro Martinelli Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi David,
yes you are right, site information IS dated. To make it short, we are focusing 100% on the release of version 1.3 of Curved Poly, which should have dropped in Autumn and is still not ready. Sadly, we were affected by the actual global situation and everything was slowed down, so it’s a bit hard to tell when exactly things are going to happen right now. We will most likely come with a proper schedule for everything (I mean, including the Shadow Framework which is the core module of Runtime Curved Poly) when Curved Poly version 1.3 is released on the store. There will be a pre-release first (version 1.2.6, which should happen in a few weeks), then we will start updating the site and give more informations about the future of the project and hopefully we will be able to send version 1.3 to the store in a month or two.
Now about your question. The runtime component of Curved Poly is made of an Open Source  project we are developing. The code for version 1.2 is here:
Together with the source code you will find a set of demo/examples which shows how to use SF at runtime. You can find them here:
Such code was released together with version 1.2 of Curved Poly, but it should also work with version 1.2.5.
I personally think that a good set of demo examples should be much more usefull than a complete API documentation. A full API documentation will be there at some point, but not now. We are developing the software required to apply animations and deformations to curved poly at runtime. I trust such features will require some more rework of the API of the Shadow Framework. For this reason, I don’t think it’s wise for us to release a detailed, official, API Documentation right now. The animation modules for Curved Poly are planned for version 1.5, which is definitely not going to happen before 2022. But if the demos and the source code are not enough for you and you want some more info, feel free to write me (, I will gadly give you any unofficial/undefinitive info you require in a private chat.