Known Issues: Curved Poly Curved Poly Shape Editor 1.1 and Maker 1.0

By | December 3, 2019

Here a list of known and reported issues we will try to fix with next updates.


  • Rect Tool doesn’t interact with Curved Poly. Unity Rect Tool doesn’t interact correctly with Curved Poly on some Unity Versions. If you create a new 2D project, the Tool is enabled by default and you will need to switch to the Move, Rotate Scale or Transform tool to use Curved Poly.
  • The Menu in the Bottom Area of the Scene View is missing. The position of the Menu is evaluated with the Camera.pixelHeight. Such property gives wrong values when your system applies some magnifying scaling on your windows, because such scaling are ignored by (I don’t know if this can be fixed because it depends upon Unity API for dev, but I will investigate an alternative solution). When this happens, Curved Poly render the menu outside the window, so you can’t see it. In order to work around this now you need to check if your system is doing something to magnify the content of your apps. For example on windows you can make everything bigger through display options. I suggest you also this article which discuss this theme both for windows and for mac:
  • Curved Poly Mesh Filter: since version 1.1 of the Shape Editor (and version 1.0 of Maker) the Mesh Filter on a Game Object containing a Curved Poly will be invisible. It will also be removed before build and regenerated at runtime, so you should not refet to its instance in edit mod. You can retrieve the new regenerated instance at runtime with a script. This feature is intended, but it was not reported in the docs.

UV Operator (Curved Poly Maker)

  • Unwraps Group Transforms are not updated in Selection Mode: this is something we want to fix. When UV Operator is active, if you use selection mode, all the affected vertices will be moved, but their transform functions are not updated. This may result in a strange behaviour if you switch back to transform mode after you have used selection mode. We suggest you to avoid switching often between Selection mode and Transforms mode.

Edit Operator (Curved Poly Maker)

  • Subdivide Edge Works well only on strips of Quads: there is something wrong in the way new handles and edges are evaluated across curved triangular polygons, so if you try to subdivide triangles you will have to spend sometimes correcting the resultant shape with other tools and operators. This is scheduled to be fixed with next major release (version 1.2) and not with minor release.

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