No gizmos – can't interact (Unity 2020.2 HDRP)

Mushrooms Labs Q&ACategory: Curved Poly Shape EditorNo gizmos – can't interact (Unity 2020.2 HDRP)
Stardog asked 4 years ago

I can get the models/editor to show just fine, but there are no gizmos on the mesh, so no way to edit/create anything.
I know 2020.2 is beta, so maybe that’s the issue.
You should advertise this/Maker on the unity official forums. It will get a lot of attention there.

1 Answers
Alessandro MartinelliAlessandro Martinelli Staff answered 4 years ago

Hello Stardog.
Thank you for your suggestions. I hadn’t tried the beta yet, but i have done it now and I don’t believe there is an issue with it because it is the beta. Shape Editor gizmos are working.
Since version 1.2.5 the Scene View Editor has been removed (I’m telling this in case you tried Curved Poly prior to September 2020). Now you need to open the ‘Curved Poly Editor’ window, which you can open from the inspector or from the Menu (Tools>Curved Poly>Editor Window). The image i’m linking below (, shows the steps to access Curved Poly from the Inspector.
     1 – Import some Curved Poly Asset to Start. Shape Editor can only ‘Shape’ a premade Curved Poly Asset, so you need to import something first.
     2 – Open the Editor Window pressing the button with the mushrooms icon. You can access to other usefull windows from the same row of buttons: I suggest to open also the Curved Poly Inspector Window at least, which is necesary to access some features.
     3 – You need to select one of the tools to access in the Curved Poly Editor to actually have some Gizmos. You shall start from Pointings or Selection Tool.
     4 – Also: since Unity 2020.1 it is necessary to have the Gizmos option checked on Top of your scene view.
I really hope this can help you. If i missed something, please send me a messagge ( write to with more details about what’s happening to you.